Whether you’ve been contributing quilts and your quilting expertise to QoV for years or if you’re new to the initiative, the Like Sew integration makes it easy to empower your customers to donate.
The amazing team at Quilts of Valor have been healing war-touched souls of our veterans for over two decades. They award thousands of Quilts of Valor per month, over four-hundred thousand quilts so far. But there are many veterans out there who need this healing, and more and more quilt shops are adding their efforts to deliver quilts every day.
Like Sew has partnered with Quilts of Valor to deliver a seamless round up donation experience through your card-processing terminal. Round up donations are small and painless, but add up quickly throughout a month!
“The dream was as vivid as real life. I saw a young man sitting on the side of his bed in the middle of the night, hunched over. The permeating feeling was one of utter despair. I could see his war demons clustered around, dragging him down into an emotional gutter. Then, as if viewing a movie, I saw him in the next scene wrapped in a quilt. His whole demeanor changed from one of despair to one of hope and well-being. The quilt had made this dramatic change. The message of my dream was: Quilts = Healing.
“The model appeared simple: have a volunteer team who would donate their time and materials to make a quilt. One person would piece the top and the other would quilt it. I saw the name for this special quilt: it was Quilt of Valor, a QOV.”
- Catherine RobertsFounder, Quilts of Valor Foundation, 2003