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How To Build a Loyal Customer Base for Quilt Shops
how to build a loyal customer base for quilt shops

Have you ever asked yourself how to build a loyal customer base for quilt shops? 


Building a loyal customer base for your quilt shop involves more than offering quality products — you need to create a welcoming environment, engage with your customers, and give valuable experiences and incentives to keep them coming back. 


Your customers value relationships and experiences just as much as the products they purchase, especially for niche markets like quilting. And by building strong connections, you encourage repeat business and foster a community of passionate quilters.


Building a loyal customer base is rewarding — loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, refer your shop to friends and family, and provide valuable feedback that can help you improve your offerings. They also become advocates for your brand, promoting your shop through word-of-mouth and social media. 

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However, building this kind of loyalty requires effort and strategic planning. From understanding your customers’ needs and preferences to offering engaging events and personalized promotions, every interaction matters.


Let’s look at some tips for how to build a loyal customer base for your quilt shop.

How To Build a Loyal Customer Base for Quilt Shops: 7 Tips 

Leveraging technology can make this process significantly easier. 


Implementing a point of sale (POS) system with integrated customer relationship management (CRM) and loyalty program features streamlines your efforts and gives you the insightful data you need to make informed decisions. 


Such systems can help you track customer behavior, manage events and workshops, and create targeted promotions that resonate with your audience. Here are a few tips:

1. Get To Know Your Visitors

Understanding your customers is important to the success of your quilt shop. Take the time to engage with them, and learn their names, preferences, and purchase history. This personal touch can make a huge difference in customer satisfaction and loyalty.


A modern POS system helps keep track of customer details, purchase history, and preferences. This data can be used to personalize their shopping experience.


Here are a couple of examples of how you might do it.

Example 1

Create customer profiles within your POS system to track purchase history, favorite fabrics, and preferred quilting techniques. Use this information to recommend products that suit their needs.

Example 2

Host "Meet the Quilter" sessions where you invite your customers to share their quilting stories. This not only helps you understand their preferences, but fosters a sense of community.

2. Offer Events and Workshops

Hosting events and workshops is a great way to engage your customers. These can include quilting classes, sewing tutorials, or special guest appearances from well-known quilters.


Your POS class management features allow you to create, promote, and manage sign-ups for in-store quilting and sewing classes. This can help you organize and track these events efficiently.


Let’s look at how you could do it.

Example 1

Organize a monthly quilting class for beginners and advanced quilters. Use your POS system to manage sign-ups and payments seamlessly.

Example 2

Host seasonal quilting contests where participants can showcase their work. Offer prizes such as gift cards or free quilting supplies, and use the event to engage with your customers both in-store and online.

3. Provide Customers With Tips and Inspiration

Regularly share quilting tips, project ideas, and inspiration with your customers. This can be done through newsletters, social media, or in-store displays. By providing valuable content, you position yourself as an expert in the field and keep your customers engaged.


Your POS system’s marketing automation tools can help you create and manage email and SMS marketing campaigns to share tips and inspiration with your customers.


Here’s how.

Example 1

Send a bi-weekly email newsletter featuring quilting tips, new fabric arrivals, and project ideas. Include video tutorials or written guides to make the content more engaging.

Example 2

Create a "Tip of the Day" section in your store and on your social media profiles where you share quick quilting tips. Encourage customers to share their own tips using a specific hashtag.


Related Read: How Much Do Quilt Shop Owners Make? 8 Tips To Boost Income

4. Start a Loyalty Program

Implementing a customer loyalty program can incentivize repeat purchases. Offer points for every purchase that customers can redeem for discounts or exclusive products.


Choose a POS that offers robust customer loyalty program management features, so you can create and manage loyalty cards and cumulative loyalty promotions. This makes it easy to reward your loyal customers and keep them coming back.


Here are some examples of how your loyalty program might work.

Example 1

Offer a points-based loyalty program where customers earn points for every purchase. Points can be redeemed for discounts, exclusive products, or free classes.

Example 2

Introduce a VIP membership where, for a small annual fee, customers receive additional perks such as first access to new products, special discounts, and exclusive event invitations.

5. Create Promotions and Discounts

Regular promotions and discounts attract new customers and keep existing ones excited about returning. Consider offering seasonal discounts, bulk purchase deals, or special promotions for loyalty program members.


Using a POS system, you can easily create and manage various promotions such as mix and match promotions, buy X get Y promotions, and scheduled promotions. This flexibility allows you to tailor your promotions to suit your business needs and customer preferences.


Here’s how it can be done.

Example 1

Run a "buy one, get one free" promotion on specific fabric collections to encourage bulk purchases. Use your POS system to automate the discount application at checkout.

Example 2

Offer a birthday discount where customers receive a special discount during their birthday month. This adds a personal touch and makes customers feel valued.

6. Utilize Social Media and Online Presence

Maintaining an active online presence through social media and your website helps you reach a wider audience and stay connected with your customers. Share updates about new products, upcoming events, and promotions.


A POS solution with an integrated e-commerce platform allows you to sync your online store inventory with your physical store, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers both online and offline.


Here’s how it's done.

Example 1

Regularly post on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, sharing photos of new fabrics, customer projects, and upcoming events. Use these platforms to engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly.

Example 2

Maintain an updated and user-friendly website with a blog section where you can post articles on quilting techniques, project ideas, and store news. Ensure your online store is synced with your physical store inventory to provide a seamless shopping experience.

7. Collect and Act on Customer Feedback

Encouraging customer feedback and acting on it shows your customers that you value their opinions and are committed to improving their experience. This can be done through surveys, comment cards, casual conversations in-store, or online platforms.


Your POS system should allow you to create customer satisfaction surveys and collect feedback, which can be invaluable for improving your services and products.

Example 1

Place a feedback box in your store where customers can leave suggestions and comments anonymously. Regularly review and act on this feedback to improve your services.

Example 2

Send out customer satisfaction surveys via email after purchases or events. Use the insights gained from these surveys to make data-driven decisions that enhance the customer experience.


By implementing these examples, you can create a welcoming and engaging environment that encourages customers to return to your quilt shop time and time again. Using a POS system like Like Sew can further streamline these efforts, making it easier to manage customer relationships and grow your business.


How To Build a Loyal Customer Base for Quilt Shops With Like Sew

Building a loyal customer base for your quilt shop requires a combination of personalized service, engaging events, valuable content, and effective marketing. 


By utilizing a modern POS system like Like Sew, you can streamline these efforts, so it’s easier to get a handle on and build your business. With features like customer tracking, loyalty program management, and marketing automation, you have all the tools you need to create a thriving, loyal customer base.

Schedule a demo to see firsthand how Like Sew can streamline your business operations and foster customer loyalty.